Wednesday, March 18, 2009

K-Blog II on WordPress

Wow, it's been a long time since I've been here! I realize that I may be writing to dead air here - I'm sure ANY of you that were following me or keeping up with this blog are long gone by now.

I didn't mean to imply that you're all dead...just that you've stopped checking in due to inactivity on this blog site. 

But I'm here to announce that I have started another blog: K-Blog II. I'm excited about this new opportunity and I am CERTAIN that it will be something that might be worth you RSS'ing as I will more than likely be updating it DAILY.

No promises yet...but I have a feeling it will have some staying power this time! So, I am retiring the original K-Blog and moving on to WordPress (which is a better format anyway) and starting over there.

See you there!